
Humor study original paper
Julia Raecke and René T. Proyer. Humor as a Multifaceted Resource in Healthcare: An Initial Qualitative Analysis of Perc...

Humor study textbook (RME14)
Chapter 14 Self-regulated learning in healthcare profession education: theoretical perspectives and research methods. An...

Humor study original paper()TL Sim
Ali Bakhsh, et al. An Evaluation of the Impact of High-Fidelity Endovascular Simulation on Surgeon Stress and Technical ...

Humor study original paper(39)TL feedback
Lynn M Urquhart, et al. Making sense of feedback experiences: a multi-school study of medical students’ narratives. MEDI...

Humor study textbook (Psycho. of humor)
Psychology of humor Ch.11 Application of Humor in Education and in the workplace Humor in Education, Humor in workplace,...

ユーモアや笑いのある組織文化が自立した研修医(医学生)の学びをはぐくむ ユーモア心理学の背景 ユーモアは体液を語源とし、人間の営みになくてはならないものと考えられ、辞書的な意味は、「社会生活(人間生活)における不要な緊迫を和らげるのに役立つ...

Humor study book(Japanese)
草刈マーサ ユーモアコミュニケーション 場の雰囲気を一瞬で変える 芸術新聞社 自分や他人を勇気づけたり、よいClimateにするという点ではとても共感できた。FDとかで使えるネタなのかな?医者は真面目だから通じるかな?米国ユーモア応用治療協...

Humor study textbook(RME12PIF)
HumorとIdentity形成がどのようにかかわっているかを研究しようと思ったらどんなMethodやMethodologyになるのかを調べてみた。 Chapter 12 Theoretical perspectives on identi...

Humor study textbook (RME16EMT)
Chapter 16Emotions and learning: cognitive theoretical and methodological approaches to studying the influence of emotio...

Humor study original paper(41)
Andrés Salas‐Vallina, et al. Altruistic leadership and affiliative humor's role on service innovation: Lessons from publ...